Remember the young boy who lived with me named Michael who I treated like a son? Well he is somewhat back in our lives now... but not living with me. So Friday was "Senior night" and all the seniors had their parents escort them across the football field. It was a way for the school to "honor" their seniors in the Football, Band, cheer, dance, and drill. Michael had asked me to escort him a while back and I gave my word I would. I keep my word, so no matter what I was gonna be there. I got a little emotional... as I think most people would. However NEXT year when I escort my daughter... I just know I'm gonna cry!
Then of course you have the ongoing saga with the doctors. Last week I went and everything looked really good. My blood cell counts are steady, my BP was back down, I dropped another 4.5 pounds, and my pulse was awesome. She wants to try cutting my BP meds in half... not the actual pill, but the frequency of the med. I currently take one every day in the morning. She wants to try to go every other day to start IF my BP is good at the next visit. So I am trying to eliminate as much stress as possible. I heard from my attorney too! Hopefully sometime after the 20th I go to court and I will be a free woman! YAY! So that's ANOTHER stress factor eliminated!

Ok, so yesterday first thing in the morning the kids and I went and did some coupon shopping. We did assaults on CVS, JCPenny, and Kroger LOL. We started at CVS cause I also had to pick up a prescription for Alex. OK... I picked up a bottle of Arm & Hammer laundry soap, a bottle of the new Gain dish soap (which smells just like my favorite LAUNDRY soap LOL), 2 beef sticks, a jar of peanuts, a box of alcohol swabs, and 4 blue velvet mini stockings. Total was $19.42 and I had lots of coupons... save off a purchase ones, item coupons, and extra bucks. Total AFTER was $7.09! Woohoo!
Then we went to JCPenny where I had one of those lovely $10 off $10 or more coupons. SOOOO I found a very nice Christmas present there for VERY VERY inexpensive courtesy of the coupon and doorbuster savings!

Then off to Kroger! This one was fun! Ok, so they have this "Mega event" where if you buy 10 items then the price is cheaper. I have a load of coupons for most of those items AND others I know are fairly inexpensive! On top of ALL this, they have the Jenny-O turkeys on sale for 39 cents a pound when you buy $20 of additional items. No problem... had that (before coupons anyways LOL). Man did I find the biggest turkey ever!!!!! 25.20 pounds! OMG I started singing and talking to the turkey in a Cartman voice (a character off of the cartoon SouthPark for those who don't know) and people were looking at me funny, but I didn't care! That turkey was like the mother of all turkeys! That is the biggest one I have ever found and you better believe I'da beat down someone who tried to take it from me LOL! Ok so after my moment of madness LOL, we got the rest of the goodies! I even found a butterfly shaped Wilton cake pan on clearance for less than $4! WOOHOO! Total price before was well over $128 and after was $12.37 out of my pocket... so not my personal best, BUT I did save over $115.06 in coupons! WOOHOO! Call us weird, but the kids and I have so much fun doing this... coupon shopping I mean.

OMG I so have to tell you about my cakes! LOL... the other day I got on a baking trip... I wanted to bake cakes. SOOO, since we didn't do anything for Halloween, I baked. The "Betty Crocker Baking Bug" has apparently bitten me quite early! I have baked like 3 cakes in a week! The first one I did was "Jack" the pumpkin cake. It only LOOKED like a pumpkin LOL but it was strawberry with blood red icing in the center, so when you cut the cake, it looked like it was bleeding! I know morbid, but very cool! 2 layers of yummy deliciousness! I was gonna do a sculpted cake, but I did not have enough powdered sugar to make more icing, time to bake more cake, etc... so we stuck with the simple 2 layer decorated version LOL!

THEN we have my Texas cake! I loved this cake! Super cool, right? Too bad nobody got a piece of it but my son! It was a Butter Pecan cake with white icing. I took so much time coloring the icing, sectioning and separating, etc. I was quite proud of this cake! Apparently so was Alex LOL... it started with the Panhandle... ok fine... then west TX disappeared, the Guly Coast, and finally Central Texas and the Hill Country! WTH? Where is my cake?? Then out walks Alex with EVIDENCE! No not an empty plate... but the bluest teeth I have ever seen LMAO! Oh well... guess it was meant to be eaten! LMAO! Just not all by him... which totally threw me off cuz he normally doesn't eat sweets... except pumpkin pie LOL!

So then a couple of days ago was one of my "kids" birthdays. Becky is one of Madison's friends who's been around us for years that calls me mom... okie dokie... She turned 17 and Madison wanted to make her a small cake for her birthday. Ok... so we are rushing around the night before trying to get this cake done and I realize AFTER the cake is made OMG what am I gonna put it in?? LOL. Well the triple chocolate fudge with milk chocolate cake and cream cheese decoration was set enough in the morning to lightly tent a layer of foil, so that's what we did. Becky LOVED it and started to cry!
I think I'm gonna try to go through my recipes today and pick out all the cookie recipes I am gonna do for our Annual cookie party. I have Gator Blue stockings to make as well, and I think I am gonna try to do some crafting this afternoon once we get back from the Pizza Block party. So next week I will try to do more entries and share more recipes, photos, etc... trying to get back to "normalicy" is harder than I thought LOL! OK Until next time... Peace, Love, & lots of HUGS!