This is the first one. Remember I told you I had a bunch of other St. Patty’s Day things and would make another topper? Well here he is! Isn’t he precious? I think I like this one better than the other one actually! It also makes me want a bowl of Lucky Charms for breakfast LMAO! Maybe making these will bring me some of the "Luck Of the Irish" LOL!

Then there is my little trick-or-treating Halloween skeleton. I thought it was cute… The skeleton was actually a toy attached to an old straw left over from last years party (it was a new straw so don’t worry LOL). I might go back and add some glitter to the black roses… I’m not sure yet. What do you think?

Here you have my Beach Combers topper. I know living here on the coast, a lot of people have beach theme parties or weddings even! Shoot, one of my brothers got married on the beach! This is made from real shells and I think its just precious. Makes me want to have a beach party now!

And finally the Fiesta one! I was loving the idea of this one, and I knew just what I wanted to do with it. Do you know how nearly impossible it is to find a mini sombrero around here?? OH I was so frustrated. So the kids said “Make one mom”. See my feeble attempt? It sorta looks like a Sombrero on acid to me LOL but its definitely colorful! LOL! Regardless, I kinda like this one a lot too LOL! And the mini maraca actually shakes and makes noise! YAY!

Then I completed some more garden spoons too. Remember the ones I told you I was painting Orange and yellow? Yea, well check out these ones! I made sure the peppers were the actual color that the plant produces… Red Cayenne, Green Jalapeno, and Orange Habanero (also affectionately known as a scotch bonnet too- but that was too long for the spoon handle LMAO)… aren’t they awesome?
So that was my crafts for the day yesterday. I think today I am gonna pull more stuff from the storage unit and start going through it all. Maybe I will find more “junk” to inspire me LOL! OMG now I have to tell you about my kitties! I love cats ok, and I have inside cats and I feed tons of outside stray cats… always have. So anyway I knew that one of the outside females has had a litter of kittens recently… 7 to be exact. Not sure if they are ALL hers but they travel with the mamma, so I’m gonna assume so. Ok, so anyway… yesterday afternoon about 3-4pm I hear this meowing at my front door followed by scratching. I open the door and about 8 cats scatter! Babies too! OMG! I rush to get some dry food out there. They scattered but I left the door open and stepped back in the doorway. They boldly came back up and were not scared of me!

So here you see the first one that came up. My DD and I have named her Harlequin… isn’t she beautiful? And unfortunately I think she is pregnant as well! YIKES more mouths to feed!! There are little tiny babies coming up as well… black and white twins but noticeably different. We are calling them tootsie and roll LOL! There is a white one with markings like one of my mom’s cats, and same demeanor so we are calling him Spazlet LOL!

Ok, so all of the sudden, as we are standing there, all these cats start coming up to the porch to get a bite to eat… A LOT MORE! I say “OMG I’m gonna need a bigger bowl! LOL… so I go to the kitchen and find the lid to an old cake cover (the bottom has cracked) and I put some dry food in it and I mix up a couple of cans of tuna in there. Big mistake… my inside cats start whining LOL so I had to give them their own tuna LMAO! Spoiled little brats! OK, so I get the food out there and they start growling… so I had to split up the food! I step back in the doorway and we had a total of 15 kitties on the porch chowin’ down! I was tickled pink really! I love kitties! A couple of the bigger ones look pregnant so I am really gonna have to be watching closely for newbies and missing kitties… but it looks like I have a whole new gang to feed hanging out at my house LOL!
Ok, so as for today I am hoping the crafting bug comes and bites me hard again. I am so happy when I am crafting. Not only does it make me feel good, but I get stock added to my things to sell and I feel a sense of pride ya know… like I am doing something useful that hopefully someone will want. Its very validating to me sometimes (when I’m in a weird mood LOL) when someone buys my things… it means they like it and I did a good job. I know weird… of course none of you will ever buy my things dangit LMAO because I am teaching you how to make them all! LMAO… just kidding… I thought it was rather amusing. So if the craft bug doesn’t hit me, then I hope to get some things out of storage and start housing them here in my home. I am giving myself until May 1st to get that storage unit cleaned out and that bill eliminated. So I will keep you posted on how that’s going!
OK so we have to eat right? Well since I am not feeling very spiffy and I’m really not in the “full out cooking mood” I think we are gonna have some Nachos for dinner! YAY! Nachos sounds real yummy with some chili and beans and cheese and yummmmm lots of peppers! But I always share a recipe with you, so here is something yummy for you today.

Tropical Grilled Pork Chops
1 clove garlic, minced
1 teaspoon chili powder
1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1 pod cardamom seeds
1/2 teaspoon water, or as needed
1 teaspoon vegetable oil
1/4 cup rice wine vinegar
1/2 cup sugar
1 mango - peeled, seeded and chopped
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon cilantro
2 teaspoons lemon juice
1 fresh jalapeno pepper, minced
1 1/2 cups unsweetened applesauce
3 pineapple rings, chopped
1 pinch white pepper
1/3 cup soy sauce
1/3 cup rice wine vinegar
6 pork chops
With a mortar and pestle, mash together the garlic, chili powder, cayenne, and cardamom seeds. Mix in enough water to form a paste.
Heat the oil in a saucepan over medium heat. Stir in spice paste, and cook until it begins to bubble, about 30 seconds. Stir in vinegar; cook without boiling for 2 minutes. Stir in sugar until it dissolves. Mix in mango, salt, cilantro, lemon juice, and jalapeno; simmer 20 minutes. Stir in applesauce and pineapple; simmer 10 minutes more. Season with white pepper. Place in a bowl, cover, and refrigerate until ready to use.
To prepare marinade, mix 2/3 cup of the salsa with soy sauce and 1/3 cup vinegar. Place pork chops in a large resealable plastic bag, and pour marinade over chops. Seal tightly, and place in the refrigerator for 1 hour.
Prepare grill for medium-high heat. Drain marinade from bag, and heat in a saucepan until boiling.
Lightly oil grill grate. Place pork chops on the hot grill. Cook 10 minutes, or to desired doneness, turning once and basting occasionally with the boiled marinade.
Warm remaining salsa over medium-low heat. Serve pork chops topped with the salsa.
Well alrighty my little rodeo readers LOL… its time for me to get up on my horse and ride off into the sunset LOL… so I’ll meet ya back at this here barnyard tomorrow at the same time ya here? LOL YEEHAW!! Until tomorrow… HUGS!
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