After I got the DS14 to school, I went over to Home Depot to pick up some lumber. Alright so I got my BOGO trash bags and BOGO plants and a few other things I found, including tape 4pks clearanced to $1. When I get to the Lumber section, the young man asked what I needed so I started telling them. He made very unprofessional comments like “Most people know what they want when they get here” and “Most people have a truck and I don’t have to cut these” etc. So I told him to step away and get me someone else. So ANOTHER good ol’ boy came over and asked what was going on… I told him and he called the other guy back over! He asked if he said those things and RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME… LIED and said NO!!!!!! Oh I was fuming! Long story short, I had to only get part of what I went for and I was so mad afterwards… well I spoke with the manager but I will be calling corporate too! That was totally uncalled for! You will NOT treat me like I know nothing just because I am a woman! I spend just as much money in there as other MEN do!! I’ve never had this problem before at this store, so it was very disheartening! Anyway, thanks to my dad for the 4x4 lumber rescue, I have all the pieces to now build my planter! Hopefully in the next day or so I will have it done and looking pretty awesome! I’m gonna stain the outside of the planter so that its pretty as well as functional! I will post picks when I am done with it. After my frustrating experience this morning, I went home to cool off for a bit.

But I was happy about the deals I found- being a member of the Garden Club, they email you coupons and I had one for B1G1 Free Glad Force Flex trash bags 100ct. box. Ok, so that one saved me $11.98. Then I had one for a B1G1F Houseplants… saved another $4.98… cool! I used that one to get 2 of these preety yellow mums. I brought them home and put them in a pot with some fresh soil and food and took it to my mom… its her Pot O’ Sunshine! I wanted to brighten her day! I also found Scotch 4pk scotch tape clearanced to $1 a pack (normally $5)! Good buys… very good buys! Was this a glimpse of things to come? YES! YES IT WAS!
Then after my period of “regrouping”, I went to the store to pick up some things for my parents. OMG peeps I HAVE to share with you all the super finds I got yesterday at my local Kroger. I swear they were clearancing the whole store! See I found these great buys when I went to the store in the morning for my mom (after my annoying Home Depot disaster!). As I was buying her foods on her list, I found tons of things! (I left the pictures full size, so if you want to enlarge it, then just click on the picture and it should open bigger so you can see it better!)
Here you see the first load I purchased when I bought my mom’s grocery list. All the bread and meats were marked down. And that’s all I got… everything was marked down! I got bread bowls for soups (which we used for supper), croissants, various loaves, cookies, a pie, brats, a Tyson Fajita kit, a long strip of trimmed brisket, etc. you name it! This order cost me $93.28… not bad really! I was quite shocked. I took the groceries out to my parents and chatted briefly for a while. Then it was off to pick up the kids!
OMG I so forgot to tell you about something my DS18 and I saw yesterday! Ok, so after school we went to pay the storage bill before going to the grocery store right? Well we come up the back road and we see this woman in the back of the Jack In the Box parking lot sitting on the edge of her car floorboard, door open, with her pants around her knees urinating! OMG are you serious?! WHY couldn’t she walk inside the stupid restaurant and use the restroom inside? My DS and I were so grossed out but laughing at the same time at her lack of class, etc. Oh if I would have had my camera with me I would have took her picture and given it to the cops and reported her! I mean, come on… what if a little kid had seen that?! Aside from that being downright tacky, god only knows if she had some kind of deadly or contagious germs she was releasing in public! YUCK! And if she is THAT worried about the cleanliness of the public bathroom… well Charmin makes a travel pack of those toilet seat covers… and I’d be happy to give her a few Charmin coupons!!!!!!!!
Ok, I got the rest of these items yesterday evening… after the kids were out of school and back home with the DH. I got tons of produce and more meat clearances! This is the produce buys… bags of precut salad, cut veggies, fruit platters, apples & cheese trays, all marked down! The mangos were on sale 10 for $10 and the onions I needed. Oh the green beans and red potatoes you ask? FRESH! Thrown some bacon and some diced onions and seasonings and OMG YUM!!!!!!! They were all on sale too!
OK, this is more super buys on the meats. I got Chicken Leg Quarters in a 10 pound bag for 45 cents a pound, chicken drumsticks for 99c per pound, breast tenderloins, a whole chicken for 88c per pound, breakfast sausage links for $1 a pack, soup bones for 97c each, crab dip, cube steaks, organic chicken thighs, and more. The snow crab legs were NOT clearance priced, but they were a special surprise for my DD15 who absolutely LOVES steamed snow crab legs ($25 for both bags alone).
Here you see some of the non-clearance things I bought that I had coupons for and/or were on the 10 for $10 sale. Kroger had a special where you bought a combo of various Kellogg’s and Keebler stuff and you got 2 FREE gallons of milk! It also helped I had coupons for $1.00 off the cereals and crackers too huh? LOL! My mom gave me a great $2 off coupon for the cheese sticks I love so much and there is a gallon of vegetable oil hiding behind the evaporated milk too LOL!
And finally you see boxes of rice, pasta, etc. Yes Alex has a fetish with Mac & Cheese lately LOL so we got a bunch of them. Farfalle pasta and my chicken makes for yumminess! Coupons for the Rice A Roni (which was also on sale 10 for $10) and the Tony’s made them about 30 cents each!
So you see, I shopped till I literally dropped yesterday! The total for the night time shop was $190.56 plus the morning shop bringing the grand total to $283.84 and I saved $163.70 in coupons! And on top of that, I got $11 in register tape coupons off my next order (any purchase)! Add that to the $16.96 I saved in coupons at Home Depot as well as the clearance tapes… well I think I did really spiffy! Its was an AWESOME shopping day! BUT by the time I got home last night, I was super tired so the gang ate freezer meals… soups… with the promise I will make the crab tomorrow. They used the bread bowls for their soups… check these out!

The DD15 decided she wanted Chicken Fried Steak Soup… so that’s what she got- in a bread bowl! Homemade deliciousness wrapped in a piece of golden brown goodness!

The DS18 wanted the Chicken Taco soup… topped with a scoop of sour cream, some shredded cheese, and a few chipotle tortilla strips all tucked neatly in a bountiful bread bowl! I think the boy was in hog heaven!

And the DH decided he wanted Cream of Broccoli soup… and that’s what HE got LOL! I absolutely love the invention of bread bowls! Not only does it make for a pretty presentation, but you also get your bread at the same time, making this a one-dish wonder, AND it cuts down on the dishes I have to wash! YAY! That’s always a plus! Now before you go asking what DS14 and I ate… Alex devoured a link of sausage left over from last night and a box of macaroni and cheese. Once I got off my feet and relaxed… well I kinda fell asleep from sheer exhaustion.
Now… I have to admit, I kind of ditched the monthly menu when I found all the great buys… so I am just gonna sit and write up what I found and work that into the monthly days. PLUS I will still have the other ideas for the days left open. Whatever ideas remain will be carried over to the April menu. You saw in one of the pictures some organic boneless skinless chicken thighs, right? Well your recipe for today will utilize these for a very tropical zip sure to awaken your palate! (Yours do not “have” to be organic yadda yadda yadda LOL… just plain old chicken thighs are just as great!)

Baked Apricot Chicken
12 chicken thighs
1 cup apricot preserves
1 cup French dressing
1 (1 ounce) package dry onion soup mix
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).
In a medium bowl combine the jam, dressing and soup mix. Mix together.
Place chicken pieces in a 9x13 inch baking dish. Pour apricot mixture over chicken and bake uncovered in the preheated oven for 50 to 60 minutes.
OK my faithful followers, I’m gonna let you go for today. I’m up real early, so I am gonna go make the kids something to eat before school and get them up and ready to go. Then its off to my parents again to help clean up mom’s fine china and move it into the new kitchen and clean out a space in her garage attic for none other than guess who? ME! LOL… she’s kindly housing my Christmas decorations so that I can eliminate that bill… remember that goal I set? Yep… I gave myself a deadline. The end of April… I want it cleaned out so that I don’t have to pay that bill anymore! Come May 1st, I will NOT pay it anymore! And there is a rental bill that won’t be far behind that being done YAY! Ok kids, I’m outta here! See ya tomorrow… HUGS!
Good for you for standing up to those people who think all women are dumb .For myself it's usually a auto mechanic who try's to talk down to me .Having 8 brothers and a father who is a mechanic gives me just enough knowledge to put them in their place real quick . Actually I love having the opportunity to stock them LOL .
ReplyDeleteMy goodness you made a killing at the grocery store yesterday ,way to go girl .
Thanks for standing up for the little man (and women in this case). You have some talented shopping skills. Wish my wife could shop like that! And the woman in the parking lot... well I guess there is no accounting for bad taste. We've tried a lot of your recipes and have been VERY happy with them! Thanks for all you do and keep up the great work! Vermont LOVES the frugal mom!
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