To my dear Tabitha- Thank you for the compliment on the quilt and I am sorry to hear of your loss. Breast cancer has effected our family as well in more than one member, so you are not alone when you say it hits home. BIG HUG to you!
To my Jean- girl you scared the tar out of me! I was worried that something happened to you. You are one of the reasons I started this blog in the first place, so I owe a lot of the “success” to you! Don’t you dare desert me! LMAO.
And to my Mom and Dad- Dad, thanks for being a good sport about the “big head” thing! And mom, don’t worry… in time we will get all of your things replaced that you lost from the storm. Just like you just put out your magnets the other day… one thing at a time and things will slowly get back to “normal”.
I got some great parents… wouldn’t you all agree? Speaking of parents, remember I told you (and mom did too) about his big hands and that I was gonna try to take a picture? Well check it out! Here is my Dad’s hand on a standard 10 ½ in. dinner plate! Crazy big huh?! Sadly I have his “moose hands” (as he calls them) too! I wear a 11.5-12 MAN’S ring on my ring finger!! It makes tiny tedious work really bothersome sometimes!
Look it’s a super yummy crazy omelet for dinner! OMG they just sounded good and I had a few veggies in the fridge that needed to be used up (some green onions, jalapenos, etc.) that I diced up and used in the “Omelet bar”. I had small bowls with different stuff in it and each person picked what they wanted in theirs. DD picked just a simple cheese and sausage omelet. DS18 wanted all the veggies and no sausage. DH took the works! DS14… cheese. And for me? Sausage, cheese, jalapenos, and pickled Mediterranean garlic! OMG! I’m drooling again just thinking about it!

We found this little Italian lady at the Home & Garden Show my mom and I went to in Galveston. She was selling different things she made and one of them was this jar of roasted pickled garlic cloves. DS18 says they sound really nasty but they taste really good. And boy is he right! They are super crazy good! See I have this love affair with garlic and for finding a way to eat the clove and nothing but the clove is garlic euphoria for me! Her name was “Mother Teresa” and you should check her out on the web at Mother Teresa’s Fine Foods and see all the things she has to offer! I highly recommend the garlic and mom tried the mushrooms and she liked those too!
Here you see another purse package I made last night from this very pretty pansy fabric. This was really the only thing I “completed” last night. I started on all the curtains and closet drapes for Madison’s room too. I plan on having everything sewn for her room by the middle of the week and putting it up and surprising her while she is at school LOL! She amazed me and her room was clean when I came home! OMG I was shocked… only having to tell her once to get it done?! Let me mark this day on the calendar LOL!
Graduation is coming up in a couple of weeks and guess what Madison wants for some of her friends? Yep you guessed it, candy bouquets. This is one of the types I made last year for some of the band kids that left us LOL. I plan on making more of these this year too. I also used a small gift box as the base that I found at Party City for some other ones… just depends on what kind of Graduation goodies I can find this year.

Alright, I want to take a moment and address a food theme that was brought to my attention… CARNIVAL foods. Now, I COULD do a “healthy”version of carnival foods, but honestly… why on Earth would you want to mess with sheer perfection?!? The whole purpose of carnival foods is to indulge in something fun and delicious. Just like you don’t ride the ferris wheel everyday or play games to win a big stuffed animal you really don’t need cluttering up your house… its just fun! I mean if you wanted to, you could substitute the hot dogs and corn dogs with tofu dogs or turkey links. You could have garden veggie burgers instead of the greasy hamburgers, fry some broccoli instead of tater tots, use wheat instead of the white flour for a funnel cake and not put the powder sugar on the top (use honey or agave nectar instead), etc. But like I said, WHY would you want to LOL! In my book kids, there are a few things you just don’t tamper with… and this is one of them! NO WAY am I upsetting the Carnival Gods by tampering with the yummy deliciousness we call the Funnel Cake… see even the name says enjoyment! F-U-N-nel cake! You want healthy at a carnival, eat a caramel APPLE LOL! There’s your “healthy” FRUIT for ya! LMAO
Ok, so I hear you asking… what is on the schedule for today? Well once the gang wakes up, after breakfast I am thinking about taking a ride… scout out the berry patches (remember to bring the wading boots LOL). With luck, we will be picking some berries! After that, we’re gonna come back and I am gonna sew like crazy! I got lots of things I want to get done today! Gonna work on Madison’s stuff, work on the BC quilt, work out of that green crate, etc. The Ronald McDonald crayon bags are kinda on hold until I get some more quilt backing as I don’t have any big enough to use… its all little pieces. BUT when payday and the next JoAnn’s coupon comes my way, I’ll get back on that like white on rice! LOL!
Alright, now its time to get crafty. Father’s Day is coming up soon, so I saw this idea on one of my favorite sites and I thought how great this would be for all the mom’s with little people out there who need a gift. Its recycling, its homemade, its absolutely perfect!

Craft Idea of the Day: Father's Day First Aid Kit
Make a great first aid kit for Dad on Father's Day from old lunch boxes.
Approximate Time: 30 minutes or less (allow for drying time of paints and glue)
Lunch box
Photo copies of pictures, magazine clip art, etc
Mod podge glue
Brushes for applying mod podge glue
Spray paint color of choice
Clear Spray Paint to seal finished item
Inside first aid articles (band aids/alcohol/tape etc)

First clean your lunch box well with soap and water and remove any old stickers or label that is on them.
Then close up your lunch box and spray paint its outside exterior with your color of choice. We used white.
We left the inside its original purple color.
After the box has dried then gather any photo copies you have made from your favorite photos of dad or dad and child and any other clip art you like from magazines.
Decoupage those on the box first brushing the mod podge glue to the back of the papers then place your clip art down to the box and brush glue on top of the clip art. Smooth out any bubbles or wrinkles you have with your fingers. Mod podge will look milky but will dry clear.
Let dry completely then spray paint box with 2 coats of clear spray paint to seal it.
Add contents inside and present to Dad on Father's Day. Great for dad to keep in his garage/car/boat for any first aide treatment he may need.
We used our clip art theme of shop tools for our decoupage and added a picture of them to the center of a cross shape with a red cross shape behind it and added the text words around it, then just put on other tool clip art to the other side of the lunch box.
You could use any theme you like; such as fishing, golfing,gardening, etc.
By Julie from Tenn
Ok girls and boys, today is a sad day as it’s the last day of the “Unique Pizza Week”. We are gonna end it with a bang… a big Sunday breakfast pizza for your pleasure. My family LOVES this pizza fresh baked on a weekend morning. So guess what I am making this morning? Yep… a big steaming…

Breakfast Pizza
1 (8 ounce) can refrigerated crescent rolls
1 pound bulk pork sausage
1 cup frozen shredded hash brown potatoes, thawed
1 cup shredded Cheddar cheese
3 eggs
1/4 cup milk
1/4 teaspoon pepper
1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese
Unroll crescent dough and place on a greased 12-in. pizza pan; press seams together and press up sides of pan to form a crust. In a skillet, brown sausage over medium heat; drain and cool slightly.
Sprinkle sausage, hash browns and cheddar cheese over crust. In a bowl, beat eggs, milk and pepper; pour over pizza. Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese.
Bake at 375 degrees for 28-30 minutes or until golden brown. Let stand 10 minutes before cutting.
Well kids, that’s all the time we have today. Its time for me to go make the house smell like breakfast pizza and have the aroma wake the gang up from their sweaty slumbers LMAO. Tomorrow I will start a new theme of food for the week for you to enjoy (and thanks to everybody for the suggestions!) but you have to visit again tomorrow to find out the theme LOL! Thanks for stopping by and I hope you drop in again tomorrow for more sweet treats and exciting adventures. HUGS!
Oh yum breakfast pizza! That's super! I am sad to see you won't do the carnival theme, but I understand why. And I agree. The graduation bouquets are neat. I would have loved being given something like that when I graduated. Your children's friends are very lucky. And OMG your Dad's hand is ginormous! Scary even! But I bet the really cool thing is that he has never used them in anger, right? He's cool to let you photo them like that HAHA! Anyways, I am curious about the next theme, so you bet I will find a way to be here tomorrow! See ya then.
ReplyDeleteFinally got to get on the computer. DH decided to do some wish list shopping on one of his favorite sites this morning. He said I tend to tie up the computer. I ask you....what the ____ else is there to do right now? I'm kind of restricted in what I'm allowed to do. DUH!! Anyway, cant wait to see what your next weeks theme is gonna be. And I also understand what you say about the carnival foods, but wouldn't it be great to go have fun at a carnival all day and eat whatever you want and come home that night not having gained an ounce? OOOhh.....I've been cooped up too long. Now I am living in Fantasy Land! LMAO Think I'll chew on a celery stalk and come back to reality! LOL
ReplyDeleteTo Tabitha- Renee's Dad has used his hands in anger only once, and that was to protect me and Renee when she was a baby. It was very scary, because he never gets angry to that extent, never. He is called Mountain Man at his work. Maybe you recall the story of Grizzly Adams and how he was a gentle giant....thats Renee's Dad. We love him bunches.
If any of you ever get the chance to go to one of those Home and Garden shows, take a day trip and enjoy it. You can get all kinds of ideas for foods, crafts, gardening, home decor, storm preparations, etc and you can also sign up for door prizes, special drawings for free stuff and it doesn't cost very much to get in; sometimes if you have small children under a certain age they can get in free. There is usually a snack bar for munching and drinks, and sometimes the different food booths set up even give free samples to taste. Its alot of fun but be warned; its a lot of walking too.....but worth it in my book. Well, got to go click and feed all the little orphan babies at the Animal Rescue site. I am late doing it today and feel a little guilty. Til next time....