I started the day yesterday morning with a quick trip to my local Wally World and it yielded some pretty awesome results! This load cost me $17.86! YAY! I had $4 off on Women’s and $3.00 off on Men’s coupons for the Nivea Body wash (which were $3.97), $1.50 off any Whiska’s dry cat food (on sale for $2.97), $3.00 off each the BIC Comfort 3 Advanced and Soleil (which were on sale $2.88 each YAY!), Buy 1 Get 1 FREE Ziploc bags coupon AND a $1.50 off 2 bags (which the quart size and gallon size boxes were $1.97 each and the sandwich size was $1.34) and then the milk, cheeses, and allergy meds were “generic” so those were all regular price. I think it was a great buy! Think I need some more of these coupons LOL! Factor out the generic stuff and I really only paid $5.93 for everything! COOL HUH? Coupons are a wonderful thing! I’m already planning another super duper trip and have ordered more coupons from the Coupon Clippers! LOL!
Oh and to Tabitha, about the carrots… I paid a little less than $11 for the 25 pound bag of carrots. That breaks down to about .44 cents per pound. It’s A LOT cheaper than the grocery stores here. Normal price on a pound bag of carrots runs about $1, and occasionally you can find them on sale for 49 cents per pound (but that’s rare). So, even when they are on sale, I still save about a nickel a pound by buying in bulk.
Here you see a pair of hand towels I picked up at the Dollar tree that I embellished with the fabric from my kitchen curtains! All 3 curtains are up now and the hand towels are decorated. Making the towels sparked another idea with my lemon fabric!
Remember how I said I had to still buy the wallies for the cabinet doors? Well not anymore! I took the fabric scraps and cut out the whole lemon pictures and then spray glued them on the cabinet doors! This not only saves me money (no more buying the wallies), but I used up (didn’t waste) the scraps AND guaranteed that the wallies are something I like AND that they match! Pretty smart, huh?
Remember when I went to JC Penny with those latest $10 coupons and got some shirts? Well this is the Coca-Cola purse I made out of one of those free T-shirts I got! I also used some more “scraps” out of the green crate for the Fabric challenge. I think the really cool part is the fact I used the “printed shirt tag” on the inside as a pocket! Cool, don’tcha think?
Here you have “The Snack Sack”. I cross-stitched this picture about a year ago with a kit I got clearanced and never knew what to do with it… until today! I applied the same method as the T-shirt purse with adding matching fabric on the top and bottom of the cross stitched picture and then proceeding normally to make a purse.
While on the purse topic… the start of the lucky lotto bag has not gone so well! Note to viewers… the modge podge didn’t dry and it ruined the one side I started… so now I have to collect more non-winning tickets to redo the one side. The other side, however, worked well with the spray adhesive. I found a funky fabric backing that I spray glued on the back of the tickets. I’m gonna let it set for a couple of days to make sure its stuck good… meanwhile, I got some more $2 and $4 winners that I need to cash in for more tickets LOL… anybody got any losing $2 tickets? LMAO!
This is a present (here’s hoping she doesn’t read this before I get over there this morning LOL!) for my mother. It’s a Hippie walker tote! It has a velcro strap that she can just wrap the flap over the bar on the walker and it will hang in front… suitable for the mail, papers, or bounce rollers LOL or whatever she wants to put in it (even snacks LOL).
Here is the matching cell/hanging pouch. She can hang this too on the walker and put her cell phone in it when she is walking or whatever else she might see fit (why do I get sudden images of candy bars and such? LOL). I am trying to make things somewhat easy for her and I knew that, as she is a self-professed “hippie”, she should LOVE this fabric!
Well it has begun. Normally I always have more than one project going at once. I have officially started sewing for Madison’s room today. She never could decide how she wanted to decorate her room and when she finally did, I got all the stuff and told her to clean her room. She did and then I had to hold off due to family emergencies. But now I can get back on course and begin working on her stuff (just have to get her to clean the room again LMAO!). I made 2 pillow cases out of the room fabric tonight. Now I just have to buy new pillows LOL!
I pulled out a piece of fabric from the green crate and just kind of stared at it a little while. What to do… what to do… well I decided on can wraps. They have the playing cards on them and I think would be a great give away/favor at a poker night party. Or they could just be for someone who likes poker!
Remember that oh-so-precious veggie peeler my caring father got me? LOL! Well yesterday I played with carrots (sadly I didn’t finish prepping the 25 pound bag though) but I conquered POTATOES! Oh boy was that fun! Now, if you paid attention to the Wal-Mart shopping picture, you would see milk, mozzarella cheese, parmesan cheese, and ricotta cheese… what does that normally make? Yep, LASAGNA! Now I am not real big on lasagna believe it or not, and my mother not liking pasta actually made this idea pop into my head! That spiff-a-licious peeler makes for some really THIN slices of potatoes… so why not make some potato lasagna? It took me 1 and a half hours to prep from beginning to baking but it actually turned out really good… the pan weighed a ton, and after dinner so did my tummy! LOL! I took step by step pictures in case you guys and girls wanted me to post my recipe on how I made it. Maybe a good thing for someone needing/wanting gluten free?
Sew, are you feeling a little crafty now looking at all my crazy sewing stuff? GOOD! LOL! I think this might be an interesting thing to make for hospital donations. Now, I don’t know if mom remembers, but in the hospital I was joking with mom about making a Foley cover because she was embarassed and didn’t want anyone seeing it. She was always trying to cover it up with a sheet (she’s such a proper lady LMAO). Well sure as the sun is hot, I found an actual site that gives instructions on how to make a Foley Bag cover (a.k.a. as a catheter bag cover)!! I think it would be a good thing for patients who are on dialysis, etc. Give them a little bit of “dignity” back if you will. Click the title to go to the page and see all the pictures, etc. I found the link on my Free Sewing patterns page… I should’ve guessed! LOL…

Craft Idea of the Day: Donatables: Catheter Bag / Foley Bag covers
14" x 32" rectangle of opaque fabric
2 - 18" pieces of some material to use as ties - or make them from fabric
1. Fold larger piece of fabric in half length-wise.
2. Make a casing on each narrow end for the ties. Do this by folding over edge twice and ironing flat.
3. Open up the folded and ironed ends, and fold the fabric right sides together so folded ends are together. Sew up the sides to just 1/4" under the first ironed fold. Trim the bottom corner and iron the seams flat.
4. Fold the top casing over so that the cut ends on the sides do not show. Sew close to the edge making the casings and making sure the ends of each one are not sewn shut.
5. Cut two roughly 18" pieces of some sort of tie... I used satin cord for this one and have used ribbon and even bias tape for this. Thread one piece through each casing so that two ties stick out on each side. These will be used to tie the cover to a wheelchair or bed rail.
NOTE: I have tied some other finishing touches that I like better than the above. Just make the bag and hem the opening instead of making it into a drawstring top. Then do one of the following:
Use 2 strips of blanket binding. Sew on each side of the hemmed opening, folding the ends to make the binding neat. Be sure you sew along the edge so there is plenty of room for the drawstring. Finish the drawstring as above.
Sew bias tape along the sides of the bags leaving extra bias tape at the top. Cut it long enough to be a tie. Then sew another piece of bias tape from about 1 inch from the top of the bag. Cut the second piece to march the length the first piece. Tie off each as above. See photos below.
The sizes in this pattern can be somewhat flexible. The finished width should be as close to 13" as possible, the bottom to top not much more. How much tie you use depends on what you use.. since I used satin cord I made them longer to be sure they can be tied snugly. You could also use some other type attachment... Velcro for example.. so long as the strip of Velcro's fabric is long enough to reach around the bed rail or wheelchair arm.
I made this up as I went along and am not an experienced seamstress, so feel free to make and suggest improvements. Email me at hathorn@drizzle.com
This pattern is yours to use and republish.. but we would really appreciate if you would let people know it was from NW Wings of Love www.nwwingsoflove.org.
OK it’s that time again! Time to tempt your taste buds with a slice of heavenly deliciousness! Its PIE TIME! YAY! Day 4 of the Unique Pizza Week brings you a sweet treat today. A fruity dessert that’s sure to please your crowd! "Refreshing sliced fruit and creamy whipped topping over a tender cookie crust - delicious, impressive, and easy. Enjoy! Kiwi and peaches may also be added to pizza if desired."

Fruit Dessert Pizza
1 (18 ounce) package refrigerated sugar cookie dough
1 (8 ounce) container frozen whipped topping, thawed
1/2 cup sliced banana
1/2 cup sliced fresh strawberries
1/2 cup crushed pineapple, drained
1/2 cup seedless grapes, halved
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).
Press cookie dough evenly into a 12 inch pizza pan. Bake in preheated oven for 15 to 20 minutes, until golden brown. Cool in pan on wire rack.
Spread whipped topping over cooled crust. Arrange fruit in a decorative pattern. Refrigerate until ready to serve.
Ok everybody. Its time for me to get off here and get dressed so I can go to work! I hope you enjoyed the inside scoop as to what I did on my day off. Have fun in whatever temptations life may lead you to today… just remember to be safe! Until tomorrow… HUGS!
Hi everyone! Renee brought me my gift of the walker tote. I LOVE IT! I already used it to carry my mail, my medicine pouch, and even hobbled out to my garden and picked my first tomatoes off the vines. IT HURT, but it was worth it. YUM. Freesh tomatoes to go with my dinner. The kitchen is coming along nicely Renee and the lemon decorations are very, very cute! Maybe when I get better I can embelish my kitchen with cute little decorations but for now I'm just happy to be back in my house after almost two years in the R.V. Its wonderful! Even though I cant do to much right now I'm still enjoying it.
ReplyDeleteThat pizza looks delicious. Wonder if theres a way to make it diabetic friendly? Definitely a slice of heaven for me then! LOL Ever heard of chocolate eclair pizza? Now thats a delicious dessert pie! Yesterday I lost a day somehow when I said my show Survivor was on. Its on Thursdays. DUH! I guess I will allow myself that screw up this once since I am under the doctors orders.....if you know what I mean. Til next time.......
MOM: I don't think you are supposed to have a chocolate pizza HAHA! Glad you got to go out to your garden today. Hope you enjoyed it. What are you going to decorate your kitchen in?
ReplyDeleteRenee: Great Walmart run and your kitchen is absolutely darling! That walker tote is pretty snazzy looking. Glad your mom liked it. Never thought of a potato lasagna. I would be willing to try it.
Hey whatever happened to that lady Jean? I never see her anymore. I hope she is ok. Have a great day everyone.