It seems my little bloglets were very very busy yesterday! Good for you! I love reading the comments from you guys! Its awesome! Ok, so lets take a moment and address my peoples LOL!
First, to Jean- girl I am sorry to hear of you and the DH health issues. Glad to hear you didn’t reinjure the knee, and I know sometimes it may feel like it! Hang in there and all will be well soon! Baby it, but work it and you will be running marathons in no time!
Then there is Cyndi- I am with you on the gardening. I say plant anything you have the remote chance of eating and not only will the plants be helping the environment, but you can be partially self-sufficient and saving money on groceries too! Good for you!
To my dear Melissa- OMG WELCOME BACK! I am sorry to hear of the hard times you have endured the last few months, but I am so happy that my writing kept your spirits up and that your baby is home and doing well! Now would be time to put that crock pot to good use! LOL!
To My mom- oh boy oh boy did we have some fun yesterday huh? I can’t believe you are not fond of the slippers! I thought they were cool! LOL! And you want me to talk about seafood after all that I devoured (and snorted) yesterday?? LMAO! I’ll have to think about that one cause those crawfish are still swimming into the Gulf Stream this morning LOL! But OMG did I sleep like a rock! LMAO!
And to my Dad- WOW… You posted more than one line! I’m impressed LOL… just kidding. And do not be fibbing to these people… you ARE long winded, but that’s why we love you! LOL! Yes I can take a hint and that is why there was pie waiting when you came home LOL! Wasn’t it great and isn’t it pretty? See, I DO listen to you LOL! And OMG, Dad I love you… but you are a nerd! LMAO… think outside the (planter) box!? Are you serious?? LOL actually it made me chuckle… You are a goober but we love you! Thanks for finally not just lurking/blogstalking! LMAO!!
OK folks, now that our warped family humor has entertained you all, its time to get down to work. Actually this is not work, its very fun. I like chillin with ya’ll LOL! It has definitely been an interesting few days…
First off, many of you have noticed I have not made much reference to the DS18 in a little while. This is because we have been having some major problems with him. Long story short, he decided to move out yesterday while I was gone. Guess he would like to act grown up but still doesn’t have the guts to FACE me like a grownup… which is sad. I wish him the best and hope he stays safe but from now on don’t look for references to him, as there will be none.

Look at all this food! This was my first run on the buffet yesterday at the Casino! You can also see my mom’s hands and my DB’s GF in the background LOL! All you can eat crawfish boil and seafood and OMG yum! I literally sat there for 2 hours eating! I told you I go for the food! We had a food incident though, that while it makes me look SOOOO unintelligent, was funnier than stand up comedy! So I am gonna share it… laugh out loud all you want because even I laugh about it! LOL!
Ok, so anyone who knows how to eat crawfish and crab, know that it is very labor intensive chore with your hands. Well when you do a Cajun Crawfish boil, there is some serious spicy seasoning going on and your hands get coated in the grainy spicy goodness! OMG ok so my nose started itching and I was so into the serious munching I was doing, that I totally forgot that the spices were on my hands and I commenced rubbing under my nose… inadvertantly inhaling some of the seasonings LMAO! I was snorting crawfish! At the same time I also accidentally rubbed my eye! So not only did I burn the inside of my nasal cavity, I blinded myself as well! I was crying it burned so bad and the waitress was cycling iced tea to me as fast as her little legs could walk LOL. She was telling me, with her sweet little Louisiana accent that I was not supposed to put it in my nose LOL and giving me the look like Texans were so dumb and needed to go home LMAO!!!! But I must note that I didn’t stop eating through all this LMAO! Then once the sting settled enough to see, I decided to eat some more crab and I flung that in the eye I just scorched LMAO! But after 2 hours I couldn’t take no more (well I probably COULD but wasn’t going to) and so I took mom to play more games! We had a great time!
Now anyone who has been to the casino knows that there are these nice little ladies who come around asking if you would like anything to drink. It was free and so Leslie (the DB GF) and I took full advantage LOL! Let’s just say the ride home with me and her slightly inebriated in the back seat was quite humorous… Mom, DB, and the 2 of us were laughing all the way home… across the border and into the night. It was really fun! I remember gas station of love, sluts, marriage licenses, dollar menus, walking pineapples, falling in a toilet, and some other really funny stuff! My sides are a bit sore today! Cutting up can be so much fun!
OK now I have a hypothetical situation I need my readers help with. It’s a scenario I have been presented with and I need to know what you would do so I can advise this person what might be the best course of action. OK, so Person A tells person B that they are drinking, smoking weed, being promiscuous, etc… a bunch of bad things they shouldn’t be doing. So you have these beliefs about drug use (seeing it IS illegal and all) and know where Person A works. That job has a random drug test policy. Would you call in an anonymous tip about Person A (trying to get them some help) based on the hearsay from person B and your own suspicions? Help me out here folks… gimme your opinions!
Ok ok, I hear ya… lets get crafty. Today is a recycling yard project that I thought was super spiffy! If you happen to run across this at a yard sale, thrift store, etc. it would be the cutest outside decoration!

Craft Idea of the Day: Stained Glass Yard Light
I bought this stained glass lamp shade at a garage sale, and the table base at a different sale. I bought a solar rope light and coiled it around a clear glass vase, and put it under the lamp shade. (Note the solar collector at the left base of the stand.) I tied the shade to the base with green twine, so that it wouldn't blow off.
By kflocey
Now sadly, it is the last day of Chicken and Pie week. I hope you have tried some of the recipes and liked what you ate. Now this chicken is something very popular around here and the pie… well with the sadness and comas today, this pie is only fitting LOL!

Chicken Stuffed Chilies
24 fresh green Chile peppers
1/4 cup olive oil, or as needed
3 cooked, shredded chicken breast halves
4 cups shredded Cheddar cheese, divided
3 cups enchilada sauce, divided
1 (2.25 ounce) can black olives
1 (8 ounce) container sour cream
Preheat the oven broiler. Brush peppers with oil and arrange on a baking sheet. Broil peppers 5 minutes, turning occasionally, until scorched on all sides. Remove from heat, cool slightly, and peel. Reduce oven temperature to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).
In a bowl, mix the shredded chicken, 2 cups cheese, and 1 cup enchilada sauce. Cut a slit in each roasted chile pepper, and stuff each with about 1 tablespoon of the chicken mixture. Arrange stuffed chiles in a single layer in a large baking dish. Cover with the remaining enchilada sauce.
Bake 35 minutes in the 350 degrees F (175 degrees C) oven, until bubbly. Sprinkle with remaining cheese, and continue baking 5 minutes, or until cheese is melted. Garnish with olives and sour cream to serve.

Funeral Pie
"This a pie seen quite often in Amish homes. Because it is easy, quick and made from non-seasonal ingredients, it was often taken to the family of those grieving over a passing."
2 cups raisins
2 cups water
1/2 cup packed light brown sugar
1/2 cup white sugar
3 tablespoons cornstarch
1 1/2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon ground allspice
1 pinch salt
1 tablespoon cider vinegar
3 tablespoons unsalted butter
1 recipe pastry for a 9 inch single crust pie
Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F (205 degrees C). Line a pan with half the pastry and chill.
Place the raisins and 2/3 cup of the water in a saucepan and heat over medium heat for 5 minutes.
Combine the sugars, cornstarch, spices, and salt in a bowl and , mixing all the time, slowly add the remaining water. Add this mixture to the heating raisins. Cook and stir this until the mixture starts to bubble. Add the vinegar and butter and heat until the butter is melted. Cool until just warm.
Pour into the prepared shell and top with the second crust. Bake 25 minutes or until golden. Cool.
**NOTES** You can add various other fruits in place of the raisins. Pecans and chocolate chips make for a sweet candybar-like pie.
Well kids, it’s a day of relaxing with the family and being leisurely today. Not sure what is in store for us today, but things will definitely be different around here now. I hope you all have a wonderful day in whatever you decide to do. Until tomorrow… HUGS!
OMG that has to be the funniest thing I have ever read! Thanks for a great laugh for today. Glad you all had so much fun and I can't believe you ate all that food. I would have been sick! See you later. Take care.
ReplyDeleteI thought about you off an on all day yesterday wondered if you were having an awesome time...
ReplyDeleteWell, Your gusto got contagious this weekend. I've decided that within my home everything should have a home - and if it's not in it's home, it gets to move out - so today I got up and spent three hours cleaning my entry (no it's not that big, just lots of homeless items) and lots of items moved today. I have ds 11, who has been shown where the homes are, and I've labeled them as his memory aid (he has his dad's memory, which means he relys on mine.) so now the entry is done - and I'm going to the kitchen. I have a collection room - and when I'm done with the whole house, it's gonna be the last room. This is stuff that I think might have a home, but becuase I'm not in that room I'm not sure...anyway, that's a really long way to say that thanks to your spunk and get em each morning, I'm getting stuff done...
Abour your DS - I wish I had some great advice - we had the same things a few years ago with my stepson. He wanted to be all grown up and do grown up things so he moved out and did some really stupid grown up things - I was so mad at him for the longest time, but then one day I was in a place where I had to open up the door and let him in so he could spend the rest of the time he needed growing up...he was about 21 when he grew up (it took two years after he came back.) Renee, he's a good kid and on a better path, sometimes I guess they just need to prove to themselves adulthood isn't all that - I will pray for him and while we may not hear updates about him, I will pray that God keep his eye on him and his love wrapped around him. I won't pray him home, but I will pray him safe and I will pray him growth...God already knows his path - I pray he stays near God's path. Wish I had great words, but even in anger, there is love don't lose it. He'll remember it someday too...kay feeling maybe to preachy, but know I'm thinking of you in this...and now I need to go do that kitchen...(this will be tough, I love my gadgets, but some don't have homes.)
Oh and advice on the hypothetical...and not to sound catty - it's really hypothetical forget about's not real. If it's a real situation I would have to ask what your motivation/realtionship is to the parties involved. I don't condone - in any way drug use - but if there not a safety issue for others I would tend to stay out of other words - if the person is sitting at a desk and doing drugs and productivity suffers, the co has a way to deal with it (or should), but if person is driving a car for their job and doing drugs, well that's safety....Does that make sense?
OMG! I have a headache today from laughing at Renee and DS GF all the way home from the casino, and I didn't even take advantage of the free drinks, but still feels like a hangover, maybe from the crawfish. LOL Had a great time with my kids but have to admit that I missed being with my hubby. He makes almost anywhere we go a fun time, except when I go with him to those stores that men congregate at, like gun shops, sporting goods stores, and car dealerships. Oh, just to much testostrone flowing in those stores for me. I let him go in while I enjoy the radio in the truck. Its best that way! LOL
ReplyDeleteI am in total shock today! My hubby, the blog lurker, commented yesterday! And believe me, he IS long winded, has been for years, but that usually shows how intellegent he is. He really doesn't speak unless he knows what he talking about and he knows edible, sustainable yards has been an obsession with me for years, so I know he has probably been researching it for me. I just talk about it, but he investigates it. Gotta love a hubby like that. He does the work, I enjoy the benefits.
I agree with Cyndi on your hypothetical scenario......unless he is putting others in a serious situation or in danger or unless you have positive proof of a illegal act, you really should leave it to his employer or law enforcement. Believe me, it will be evident to others if those things are going on and it will be addressed, and if true, dealt with, probably severely. Just my opinion.
Congrats to Melissa on her bundle of joy. Its been years since mine were tiny but it only gets better. Take lots of pictures, videos, and collect lots of momentos. They will give you years of sweet rememberences long after the little one has grown.
Well, I am late today commenting, so I need to get it in gear and get motivated with my therapy practice and cleaning and kitties and rescue site clicks and petitions and I have to do something today to show disapproval of the BP disaster; maybe write their website and send a poison pen letter; poison similar to the gunk they are poisoning the Gulf with. Sorry. Almost found myself on that soapbox again. Til next time.......