OK first, a brief note to Tabitha- I am NOT talking about the owl LOL. Let’s just say it’s the ugliest thing I ever made and my mom loved it and still has it to this day! If I had to wish that only 1 thing would have floated away in the Hurricane, THAT WOULD BE IT! But alas, its still here… she had it up in the attic! UGH!!!! Let’s just say that cotton balls and a pinecone make for an ugly owl… and CREEPY TOO! Mom, its time to let the owl RIP! LOL!
Now I have to tell you the strangest thing! On my way home yesterday, I had to stop at Kroger for a couple of small things… milk and sugar. Well I went up to the self-checkout and as I was scanning my items, a lady comes up behind me and says “OMG It’s you!” and I was like Excuse me? She said “The Frugal Mom! Its really you!” and then started telling me how she reads everyday, and such. It was funny… recognized in my own town. It was sorta neat and scary LOL! Kidding… it was fun. SO to my reader from Kroger, who didn’t give me your name BTW, I send a big HELLO and thanks for stopping in!
Now, let’s get down to business. Summer is quickly approaching/already here and many of you moms out there are wondering what to do with the kids this summer. (Our last day is June 3rd YIKES! LOL) Now I’ve had some great posts about ideas to do on a budget like the 33 things to do for $2 or less post (MAY 18th), which also talked about many other frugal forms of entertainment. MAKE SURE to check it out… LOTS of great ideas! So, plan on getting outside and expanding those lungs with some fresh air this summer cause I am gonna give you lots of ideas for frugal fun in the sun!! If you aren’t in the Houston area, you can probably contact your local Visitors Center for information about what all is available in your area… or just Goggle it! LMAO! I requested info from tons of places around here so I can maybe plan some cheap day trips for the family. I plan to have a very full and cheap summer this year! I want it MUCH better than last year (when I got hurt and they found my bone disease UGH) and I am already ahead of the game on that cause I can WALK! LMAO!

So have you heard the term “stay-cation” before? A staycation (also spelled stay-cation, stacation, or staykation) is a term for a period of time in which an individual or family stays at home and relaxes at home or takes day trips from their home to area attractions. If you think it would be boring, think again. With a little imagination, a stay-cation can be frugal (obviously) and fun! Instead of spending hundreds (or more) on hotels, your own home is free to stay at LOL. Instead of eating at tons of expensive restaurants, you already have FREE food at your home! Eat there or pack a picnic. There are lots of benefits to staycations! Staycations are far less costly than a vacation involving traveling. There are no lodging costs and travel expenses are minimal. Costs may include transportation for local trips, dining, and local attractions. "The American Automobile Association said the average North American vacation will cost $244 per day for two people for lodging and meals... Add some kids and airfare, and a 10-day vacation could top $10,000".Staycations do not have the stress associated with travel, such as packing, long drives, or waits at airports. Staycations may be of economic benefit to some local businesses, who get customers from the area providing them with business. In 2008, the tourism bureaus of many U.S. cities also began promoting staycations for their residents to help replace the tourism dollars lost from a drop in out-of-town visitors. You see what I mean? Ok, so here are a few ideas for some stay-cation fun!
1. Go camping without leaving home. Sure, camping can be fun- but what if you don’t have the time or the money to go somewhere far? Simply pitch a tent in your own yard, and lie out on the grass and star gaze! With no discrations like TV or computers, you’ll reconnect with ease!
2. Explore next door with your stay-cation. Perhaps your town has the world’s largest saxophone or a food factory you never knew about. It would be fun to see what’s in your neighborhood. Ask your state tourism office to send you tourist brochures or do some online research, then plan each day just like you would a trip away from home- get up early, pack a lunch, and visit as many sites as you can. Find the information you need at NetState.com/states/tables/st_tourism.htm
3. Plan a perfectly easy picnic. Head to the deli for some readymade food, or better still- help everyone make their favorite sandwich. Bring along juice boxes, bottled water, iced tea, as well as refreshing cold fruit or individual cups of applesauce. Then, search out a good spot at a nearby park and spread out your blanket or use the tables provided. Don’t forget Nerf toys, frisbees, bats and baseballs, soccer balls, etc. and even some good old fashion bubbles and enjoy a beautiful day out with your kids, significant other, or even just yourself. If you are going solo, take that book that you have been wanting to get to and lie on the blanket soaking the rays and reading in the quiet of nature! And make sure to check your local paper for outdoor concerts and movies and bring your picnic to the event!
4. Go on a treasure hunt- for real! Crater of Diamonds State Park in Arkansas is a real diamond mine, where you can keep any “ice” you find. Thousands of gems are snagged each year, and many more than 1 carat! Other options include: pan for gold in Arizona’s Prescott National Forest or rent a metal detector and walk the Florida beaches, where more coins and bits of treasure wash up each year than anywhere else in the U.S.! Find out where to go in YOUR state at Treasurefish.com
Here are TONS more ideas on a list I have been compiling for a little while now LOL…
1. Camp in your own back yard And hey—the living room counts, too.
2. Feed your (local) appetite Investigate local farmers markets, pick fruit at local orchards and visit local farms.
3. Stock up on books Block off an entire morning at the library or bookstore.
4. Sign up for day camp Find local workshops and classes for the kids through your community's Parks and Recreation progam or the local YMCA/YWCA, Boys and Girls Clubs, churches and so on.
5. Take a trip to the museum We bet you haven't been in a while.
6. Make some home improvements Paint a room, install ceiling fans, refinish furniture—and be home to enjoy it when you're done.
7. Visit the zoo Make a day of it!
8. Organize your own Field Day Create your own Field Day at the park, complete with games, bicycling and a picnic lunch.
9. Take a hike Google around for local hiking groups and trails.
10. Amusement parks Make a day trip or overnighter to the nearest amusement park.
11. Take a dip Your swimming pool, a friend's or the city pool—it's a cool deal, any way you dive in.
12. Garden Plant wildflowers, a vegetable garden, a kitchen herb garden ... whatever fits your style.
13. Let go of the slack Hire a maid to clean your house while you lounge.
14. Get crafty Yes, it's time to finally finish that scrapbooking project or start something wild with the kids.
15. Cook up a storm Try new recipes (there's time to go out, if they flop) and stock up the freezer.
16. Organize a block party Hang out with the neighbors.
17. Indulge in a spa day At home or at the spa—either way, a luxurious treat.
18. Throw a party It's the perfect time for a BBQ or cocktail party
19. Attend a home screening Rent all those movies you've been planning to see; don't forget the popcorn.
20. Be a tourist See all the sights where you live; get a guidebook or contact the chamber of commerce for details. Book a mini-getaway Stay at a nice hotel for one night and indulge in the pool, spa, gym, restaurant, room service Scrounge Comb the local flea markets and bargain stores for interesting finds.
21. Take a night in or a night out Every member of the family gets one night in or out with their friends.
22. Hit the matinee Seriously. Like every day.
23. Green clean the carpets When else do you have time to move all the furniture?
24. Book it Put together a reading list and hit it hard.
25. Get artistic Create art for your home: an abstract canvas in accent colors, framed photography or flea-market finds. Paint a room Even if you're not crazy about home projects, painting one room is easy and gives your home a real lift.
26. Play a game Schedule a video game or board game night.
27. Tour historic sites Find a guidebook or listing of nearby historical places and chart your own tour.
28. Cheer the home team Attend local sports events.
29. Take in an outdoor performance Get tickets to outdoor concerts, Shakespeare in the Park and other summer culture.
30. Try mini golf or bowling You really can't beat these for cheap fun.
31. Go stargazing Always free, always amazing.
32. Take a class A savvy choice for grownups and kids alike.
33. Plan a romantic getaway Recruit a friend or relative to babysit and break free from the kids for a night or two.
34. Try new restaurants Investigate that new vegan cafe or organic, whole foods diner you've never had time to try.
35. Turn your home into a spa. You don't need to go to a pricey spa to rejuvenate your body and spirit. Create your own spa at home instead -- you'll feel refreshed and save money.
36. Throw a simple cocktail party. Invite friends over for a low-key get-together of fun finger foods and stylish cocktails on your patio or deck.
37. Go on a family cycling adventure. You don't have to be an avid (or experienced) biker to have a blast. For a safer adventure traverse local bike trails instead of hitting the streets.
38. Go fly a kite. Pack a kite or two with your picnic supplies and head to your favorite park for some family fun.
39. Transform your home into an island retreat. Bring relaxing tropical style home with budget-friendly, summery decorating ideas.
40. Host a girls' night in. Kick back with your favorite girlfriends for an evening of fancy fun and surprisingly simple treats.
41. Create a garden getaway. Fashion your own private paradise with a soothing garden plans.
42. Have a field day. Rediscover freeze tag, red rover, and other games you used to play as a kid. Our variations make them more fun -- and secretly healthy -- for the whole family.
43. Plan a TV night. Whether you're a sucker for sitcoms or made-for-TV movies, a small screen event is the perfect occasion for a no-fuss dinner party with friends.
44. Host a Mexican patio party. Your guests will love your flavorful recipes -- and you'll love how easy it is to throw together.
45. Plan a pizza night. Enjoy a night in with some of the family-friendly recipes I brought you not long ago that are as fun to make as they are to eat.
46. Try a simple weekend project. Check out our editor's favorite get-organized weekend projects you can easily finish without spending a lot of time or money on them, like cute under-bed drawers plus many more creative storage solutions.
So what do you think? Are you ready to get outside yet? I am actually, despite the heat! (And trust me, heat is NOT my friend!) I am ready to have some serious fun! I lost so much time last summer after I got hurt… the whole summer wasn’t fun for anyone, cause they were all tending to me… be it at home, taking me to the hospital constantly, etc. Mom can tell ya… I was a mess! But not this year! I am almost caught up on bills, I have eliminated a debt and almost another one, so that goal of financial freedom is closer and closer LOL! And it feels great!

And speaking of fun summer activities, I’ll warn you all now… look for an EARLY morning post NEXT Saturday morning, as I might be going to take mom to one of HER favorite getaways… THE CASINO! I’ll see ya all in Louisiana babe! LOL! The Alabama Coushatta has a KILLER BUFFET! That’s why I go!! LOL… Go figure right? Don’t like gambling, LOVE eating, so it works out well for us all! A little pricey, but WELL worth it, and since we don’t do it very often, well DESERVED! If I think of anymore ideas for great summer fun, I will let you know soon LOL!
OK now its time to get crafty! Many people decorate for Memorial day, if nothing more than a mere American Flag hanging from a pole. Some people go all out and decorate to the hilt and BBQ and the whole kit & kaboodle! The good thing is that with Memorial Day, Independence Day, and Labor Day as well as Patriotic rememberances such as 9/11, etc. you can use all the same decorations!! Red, White, & Blue!! YIPPEE!!!! Soooooo guess what we are doing today for crafts? YEP! Patriotic Crafting!
Craft Idea of the Day: Patriotic Crafts

Red, White And Blue Birdhouse
This bird house will have your feathered friends whistling the 'Star Spangled Banner'! Perfect for the patriot in the family or a festive holiday decoration.
Don Mechanic® Wooden Birdhouse
Folk Art® Enamel™ Paint, True blue
Folk Art® Enamel™ Paint, Napthol Crimson
Folk Art® Enamel™ Paint, Titanium White
Plaid® Wood Letters, 1¼ Dot, Star
Plaid ®wooden letters 1¼ Colligate, U S A
Aleene’s® Thick Designer Tacky Glue
Dress It Up®, Stars and Stripes
Dress It Up®, Americana
Dress It Up®, Stars!
Thin Black Rollerball Pen
Stencil Brush
Cost of each project will vary depending on materials used.
Due to the seasonal nature of some merchandise, actual availability of some products pictured may vary.
Paint birdhouse blue. Allow to dry.
Paint roof white. Allow to dry. Repeat.
Paint ‘USA’ letters white. Allow to dry. Repeat.
Paint wooden star red. Allow to dry. Repeat.
Using damp stencil brush dipped in white paint, use thumb create speckled look by spritzing paint on the birdhouse. Allow to dry.
Use same technique with the blue on white letters, and white on blue letters:
Use black pen to outline letters and star.
Glue flags on roof.
Glue star on front center of roof.
Glue the rest of the buttons on the birdhouse according to the design or your preference.
Using thin paintbrush, outline the entrance hole with red paint

Streamer Flag
By Gretchen Martin
Nothing displays American pride during the holidays like our own American flag. Show your patriotism during the holidays by decorating your entrance with an easy to make streamer flag. Hang on your front door to welcome party guests for a day of celebration.
Estimated Project Duration: 45 minutes
Skill Level: Beginner
1 roll of red streamers (1.75” thickness)
1 roll of white streamers (1.75” thickness)
Blue construction or craft paper
Cardboard or similar strong paper or poster board
13 to 50 mini white gift bows
Ruler/straight edge
Double sided tape
3M Spray Mount, ReMount, Super 77 or similar spray adhesive
Xacto blade/hobby knife or scissors
A small piece of yarn or string
Project Instructions
1. Cut seven strips of red streamers measuring 35 inches long.
2. Cut six strips of white streamers measuring 35 inches long.
3. Cut a strip of cardboard or poster board approximately 26 inches long and 2 inches wide.
4. Line strip of poster board with double-sided tape and adhere alternating red and white streamer stripes as shown in photos below.
5. Once all stripes are attached trim any cardboard excess and flip cardboard binding over to attach a piece of yarn or string for hanging. Flip back over.
6. Cut out a 13” x 14.75” piece of blue construction or craft paper. Spray back of blue paper with spray adhesive. Let dry for 30 seconds to lessen tack unless using ReMount which is specifically useful for repositioning. Lay blue paper in top left corner of striped streamer pattern.
7. Flip entire flag over to adjust streamers by pulling up gently and relaying where streamers may have wrinkled. Take care to line up the fourth red steamer stripe with the bottom of the blue paper so that the bottoms remain flush.
8. Flip flag back over to front. Assemble mini white bows in appropriate star formation, being sure to place them before adhering. If using 50 bows to represent 50 states, create nine rows of stars alternating six and five star rows. If limited to 13 bows, use a pot or pan lid or similar guide to assemble stars in a circle pattern to represent the original 13 colonies.
9. Hang on front door and watch flag wave in a gentle breeze.
Crafting Tips
While most of these materials can be found cheaply at the craft or dollar store, try going through your gift wrap and holiday items to see what materials you might already have in storage when preparing for this project. Wide ribbons can replace streamers and star stickers can replace bows.
Try varying the size of your flag if you have fewer amounts of materials and thin ribbons. Smaller flags can be used to decorate gift bags, buffet tables and more. Door hangers can be used in and outdoors, but be sure to bring your streamer flag inside in the event of rain or gusty winds.

Uncle Sam’s Patriotic Hat Planter
By Gretchen Martin
Plastic planters are often stacked up and set aside as store bought flowers are replanted into higher end containers. These plastic planters are perfect for recycling into fun craft project ideas. Follow the instructions below to turn your discarded flowerpots into holiday décor that mimics Uncle Sam’s patriotic hat and other festive ideas.
Estimated Project Duration: 45 minutes
Skill Level: Beginner
Plastic Planter
Recycled Plastic Lid from any container (Cool Whip lid used here)
Blue ribbon
White ribbon (optional)
Krylon Fusion for Plastic® Gloss White spray paint
Krylon Fusion for Plastic® Red Pepper spray paint
Star stickers
1-inch painters masking tape
Double sided tape or glue
1. Begin with a plastic planter, which can be recycled from a store-bought plant that needs to be replanted.
2. Next, find a suitable sized recycled plastic lid that will mimic the brim of a hat when combined with the planter. Suitable pieces would include the top of a margarine tub or cottage cheese container, a take out soup container lid, etc. A lid from a tub of Cool Whip was used for the project pictured.
3. Place the planter top face down onto the center of the lid to trace a circle onto the lid.
4. Using an Xacto blade or hobby knife, cut an opening in the lid 1/4” smaller than the pencil line, using the circle as your guide.
5. Spray planter container using Krylon Fusion for Plastic® Gloss White. The Fusion for Plastic® series is the best spray paint for improved adherence to plastic items, particularly when masking (as follows). Let white paint dry.
6. Using 1-inch painters masking tape, place strips of tape vertically down planter spaced approximately one inch apart.
7. Spray masked planter and plastic lid with Krylon Fusion for Plastic® Red Pepper. Let dry and remove masking tape from planter.
8. Tie blue ribbon just below mouth of container using double sided tape to help hold position.
9. Decorate blue ribbon with star stickers.
10. Align a piece of blue and white ribbon and tie in a bow, blue side out. Attach bow to ribbon on container using double-sided tape.
11. Glue red plastic lid to the top opening of planter.
12. Fill with red, white and blue flowers and other adornments.
Crafting Tips
For a twist on this project, try gluing your plastic lid to the bottom of the planter and tying your ribbon around the base of the container to mimic a more flared hat style with flowers coming out of the top of the hat. This design also translates easily into a New Year’s Day hat.
As a kids class project or group activity, supply the recycled products and let the students make their own unique hat designs using a variety of paints, ribbons, stickers and other materials.
Use larger planters and skip the flowers to create your own party hats.

Patriotic Windsock
oatmeal container
white/clear glue
ice pick
brass rounds
fabric material of choice
Cut out material to go around oatmeal container, a little extra on ends to go inside.
Apply w/ glue, Then cut out eight strips of material the length of container about an inch thick. Space around on one end.
Apply ribbon to top for hanging (I used brass rounds.)
Punch 4 holes through and attached ribbon with brass rounds.
Apply a strip of ribbon over both ends to secure overall placement.
By Jennifer from CA
Here are some more great Patriotic decorating ideas for the tons of holidays and events themed with Red, White, and Blue!
Red, White and Blue Flowers
A combination of red, white and blue flowers makes a festive decoration idea for a cute party. A cut flower arrangement can be made in a vase. Another option is to plant flowers in a patriotic container to decorate the party area. Planted pots of red, white and blue flowers show your patriotism long after the Fourth of July party is over. They can also serve as favors for the guests at the conclusion of the party. The patriotic flowers work well as centerpieces, at the entrance to greet guests or throughout the party area.
Patriotic Wreath
A homemade patriotic wreath adorned with red, white and blue is a festive way to decorate for a Fourth of July party. A grapevine wreath or a Styrofoam wreath work equally well as the base of a patriotic wreath. A variety of red, white and blue artificial flowers serve as fillers on the wreath. Patriotic ribbon, miniature American flags and painted wooden stars can also be used to decorate the wreath. Floral wire attached to the flowers and stars holds them into place on the wreath. With the flowers in place on the wreath, the flags and stars can be placed as accents. The patriotic ribbon adds the final touch to the wreath.
Floating Candle Centerpiece
Patriotic centerpieces enhance the overall theme for a Fourth of July party. Floating candles in red, white and blue offer an alternative to traditional flower centerpieces. A large glass bowl serves as the container for the patriotic floating candle centerpiece. Glass marbles or stones in red, white and blue adorn the bottom of the glass bowl. Once it is filled with water, the floating candles in patriotic colors are placed in the bowl. The candles should be lit right before the party so they last as long as possible.
Felt Welcome Banner
Felt is an easy fabric to use for crafts and decorations. Craft stores carry large rolls of felt, which serves as the background for a patriotic felt banner for a Fourth of July party. A piece of blue felt cut to the desired size is decorated with a Fourth of July message of your choice. The message is composed of letters cut out of white and red felt. The felt letters naturally cling to the blue felt background but should be secured with a few drops of glue or stitches. Additional patriotic decorations enhance the felt banner.
Patriotic Luminarias
Paper bags, sand and tea lights make up luminarias for an evening party. Lunch-sized paper bags in red, white and blue make up the base of the homemade luminarias. Stars cut out of the paper bags add a patriotic touch. A star template helps with the cutouts. The stars are traced on each paper bag. Add as few or as many stars as you like. A utility knife makes the cutouts easier. Cardboard slid inside the paper bag will prevent the utility knife from cutting through the other side of the bag. A small amount of sand weighs down the bags once the stars are cut out. A tea light is then placed in the sand. Safety concerns about the flames from tea lights can be solved by using battery-operated tea lights. The glow from the luminarias lights the way for guests along a driveway, sidewalk or the perimeter of the party area.
Now it’s time to eat. I want to end this week of SUPER SALADS with a sweet treat. Now, you can make any fruits and veggies into some terrific salads as you have seen. Check out February 11th post for a great Broccoli salad and a Pear salad. Now, for this very popular salad, you can use a variety of fruits- including pineapple, strawberries, and even mandarin oranges.

Watergate Salad
2 (3.4 ounce) package instant pistachio pudding mix
1 (20 ounce) can crushed pineapple in juice, drained but reserve juice
1 cup miniature marshmallows
1/4 cup chopped pecans
1 (8 ounce) container frozen whipped topping, thawed
In a large bowl, mix together pudding mix, 1/4 to 1/2 cup of pineapple juice, marshmallows, and nuts. Fold in whipped topping. Chill.
As a special bonus, I am also gonna bring you the famous American Flag dessert that we’ve all seen this time of year. Its made with fresh fruit and its sheer yumminess!

American Flag Cake
2 pints of strawberries
1 recipe of your favorite white or yellow cake (mix or from scratch, your choice)
1 1/3 cup of blueberries
1 tub of whipped topping
Mix up and bake your favorite cake mix or recipe. Let cool.
Slice 1 cup of strawberries, set aside. Halve remaining, strawberries and set aside.
Top cake (in pan) with 1 cup sliced strawberries, 1 cup blueberries and all of the whipped topping. Arrange remaining strawberry halves and blueberries on whipped topping to create a flag design. Refrigerate until ready to serve.
Well kids, its time for me to get off here and go get busy! Ya’ll have a wonderful day and come back tomorrow for another blog jam packed of fun and food and crafts galore! See ya tomorrow… HUGS!
Stay-cation. Is that what its called now? Been doing that for years with my DH and kids. When you raise a family with one income you have to be creative and frugal. There are plenty of things around your own home to do that most people dont even think about. We are lucky in that we live in an area that is located near a coastline, a large metropolitan city and several towns of historical lore. Even if we had ever done everything that could possibly be done in our area, all we would have to do is drive for about an hour and we would be in a completely different area and would start exploring there. Believe me, there is so much to do in this life you will never get it done; and now since my little brush with my own immortality, I've have realized there is plenty more to still do, even at my age of 50-ish, so whether its a stay-cation or a long trip to China, I'm going to enjoy all of it. Bring it on world!! LOL
ReplyDeleteBeen trying like H_LL to get my walking legs back but they wont cooperate all the time. Been wanting to dance to my tunes lately but the most I can get from the one leg is a bouncing foot. It kind of reminds me of that scene from the movie Deliverence where the guy is playing his harmonica and moving his foot to the beat. Kind of a creepy thought, Huh? LMAO OMG! Cant stop laughing!!!
Yesterday Tabitha mentioned "PIE WEEK" as a theme. Very yummy thought but if you do that can you put the measurements for sugar free maybe at the end of the recipe. Sure would help us Diabetics and WeightWatchers. Will be waiting with sweet tooth on standby. Til next time.....
WOW today is full of some great information. Thanks! Oh please tell me you are going to do PIE this week? YUM! "MOM" you crack me up HAHA! Now I am hearing a banjo in my head. Thanks HAHA! I am kinda bummed about the owl, but its your beef sounds like, so I won't push it. And I see tons of things on your stay-cation lists that I want to do, so Imma get off here and go plan! And you two have fun at the casino. You both deserve it! Can't wait for tomorrow's post!
ReplyDeleteHELLO been MIA again :(
ReplyDeleteHad a scare with DH and he was in Hosp for 4 days.... all is well now tho thanks the Lord.
me, well after aobut 3 weeks now since my knee operation??? I twisted it while DH was in the hosp and MD thinks I might need to have it operated on again... if meniscus torn again.. will find out this week.. soooo, my life has been all about health issues....
so much to catch up on....
Glad to see you still here Jean and sorry to hear of your medical problems. Best of luck getting everything calm again. Great Blog today Frugal Mom! We love you!