GOOOOOOD Morning boys and girls! How are you this fine day of days? I am ready for some side splitting adventures as I am on a “business trip” today LMAO! Mom and my brother want to go to the CASINO in Louisiana LMAO! Yep, we are off to the Indian Casino called the Alabama Coushatta Casino in Kinder and it plans to be fun and entertaining! I particularly do not like to gamble, but the buffet is worth the trip! OMG!!!!!! I think I just gained 5 pounds thinking about it! Anyway, it will prove to be an adventure for sure! I woke up and my hand was itching, so maybe it will prove to be a profitable day as well! My hand never lies… I always get money SOMEWHERE when my hand itches LOL!

Okie dokie… so I had to get a new phone last night, right? Well, let me tell you... It’s crazy! I’m not all for these new fangled phones, and the only phones they had were the touch screens and I have moose hands so I was learning all night! You think that they would make bigger buttons for goliaths like me! Well, everyone was texting me all night and I didn’t get a chance to really learn about the phone so guess what I will probably be doing on the long car ride LOL! Yep, got the instruction manual in my bag, so that I can read! I always have told my kids to make sure to read the whole manual before using the phone and here I am operating before instruction LOL… what kind of example am I? Well, wish me luck on learning the new technology! LOL!
OMG I saw the coolest news article this morning about Downtown Houston… Check this out!

Veggie Gardens to Spread in Downtown
Updated: Friday, 04 Jun 2010, 10:21 PM CDT
Published : Friday, 04 Jun 2010, 10:21 PM CDT
Web Producer
HOUSTON - When Vegetable Gardens Attack! - Part 1.
The Mayor's Office of Sustainability alongside other organizations committed to the first phase of a two-part plan to make Houston just a little bit greener.
Around 11 a.m., the general public was invited to contribute to a container vegetable garden at the City of Houston Public Works building across from City Hall.
The vision is to have vegetable gardens all along the sidewalk in the 600 block of Walker Street, according to a statement.
Isn’t that the coolest thing? I think all cities should get in on the container gardening! Now my only question, is how in the heck are they going to keep people (IE the homeless, the hoodlems, etc.) from eating all the produce or destroying the plants. And what are they going to do with them all? Hopefully the food will be used appropriately... like used in the soup kitchens or donated to smaller food pantries, or something. Lets all keep our fingers crossed that they have thought this thing through! But I thought it was a good human interest story to spotlight today!
Ok, so are you feeling crafty today at all? Well I found this craft that makes you go “WTF?” LOL Since I am in an oddball mood and I think its exciting to try weird things, I am bringing it to you! It recycles, its funky and fun, and its definitely a conversation starter LOL! I want to see my kids faces when I tell them I want a pair of these LMAO!

Craft Idea of the Day: Newspaper Slippers
These fun disposable slippers are ideal for the beach, painting in or yard work.
For the soles stack 12 pages together. Draw an outline of both your feet on the top page.
To hold the pages together staple inside the outline of the heal then cut out the shape.
For the straps make a 3 inch wide strip from a half page for each slipper.
Lift up about 6 of the pages of each sole outline. Place the strip inside the front part of the sole and adjust the size. Then staple in place.
Bring down the remaining 6 layers of the sole and glue down, then bind the front edge of the slipper with tape.
Is that not super crazy or what?? Ok, now today’s food… well with going to the casino, we are always teasing mom about her WINNING Mojo LOL, so today I thought it fitting our trip that I give YOU some mojo… chicken that is! And for the pie… well you have to show no emotions, especially on the tables like Poker and such. You need to be transparent. So what better than a pie that’s transparent too? LOL! Enjoy the oddball recipes I brought you today… in the spirit of the Casino fairies LMAO!

Broiled Mojo Chicken Wings
1 lb drumsticks
1/2 cup Mojo Sauce
1 tbsp of garlic salt
1 cube Butter
salt to taste
3 garlic cloves sliced
Cooking Directions:
Pour mojo sauce over wings and marinate in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours.
Drain excess sauce and add garlic salt, garlic cloves, salt and pepper.
Broil in the oven for 20-25 minutes.
Have extra Mojo sauce for dipping wings in.
This recipe will serve 4 people. Pairing: Great to have with ice cold beers of your choice.

Transparent Pie
1/2 cup margarine, melted
1 1/2 cups white sugar
4 eggs
1 tablespoon distilled white vinegar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 (9 inch) pie shell
In a medium bowl, beat eggs well. Mix in sugar and margarine. Blend in vinegar and vanilla extract. Pour filling into pie shell.
Bake at 450 degrees F (230 degrees C) until pie starts to brown. Reduce heat to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C), and continue to bake for about 25 minutes.
NOTE** you can put fruit or nuts down on the bottom before adding the filling for an upside down pie!
OK friends, as Lady Gaga would say, time to put on my POKER FACE and get on down the road! LOL! It plans to be a very exciting day with tons of great food (my 2nd reason for going- mom would be my first LOL!) and lots of slots ringing and people screaming LOL! Ya’ll have fun in whatever you choose to do today and I will meet you back here tomorrow to tell the tale of my travels! Until then… HUGS!
OK. First of all, how the heck would I keep those slippers from dissolving while I'm watering my garden and then the wet paper transfering ink on my feet? Plus my feet are pretty tender so I think I will pass on paper slippers, but this would be a good artsy craftsy thing for kids to make for indoor uses and to make out of maybe butcher paper or one of those rolls of crafting paper.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you about the city gardening. A lot of cities have been putting in community gardens but they are usually behind fences so undesirables cant vandalize or steal from the fruits of the plants. But the open potted plants that Houston is putting in will be open to homeless vagrants who, might be hungry enough to eat the veggies, or hoodlums, who could vandalize, poison, or just destroy the plants. I dont think Houston thought this through. If they wanted to be sustainable they should have planted dwarf fruit trees which, if cared for properly would produce fruits starting in two or three years and kept on producing for years. That to me would have been more feasible and not open for problems with people being rude and destructive. But then, thats just my opinion.
The wings looked delicious but what the heck is mojo sauce? Is this something that I can buy in the store or is there a separate recipe I missed in a past blog? I love wings and am always willing to try them new ways so bring on the sauce! LOL or at least the recipe! And if I have the Transparent pie does that mean there are less calories because you cant see them? LMAO
Maybe your next week food theme can cover seafood in honor of all the gulf fishermen who are having so many problems right now making a living. And by the way, the seafood coming out of the gulf that is being sold is perfectly safe. The fishermen are regulated by government officials and the fish and other seafood is inspected before being sold to restaurants and wholesalers most of the time, at least the legal fishermen are. So lets see some yumminess with seafood for a theme please.
Looking forward to a fun day today and hopefully a profitable one. So til next time......
Hello after another full week on our end...going with your mom on the slippers -
ReplyDeleteI love the sustainable planting in the city and who cares of the homeless or whoever takes the food - as long as they eat it...I'm going to tear anything planted at a new house we are working on replace everything with edibles. I just figure if I'm going to work with plants I want to get something out of them, and beauty is not what I'm going for...I'd love to see more of that done...that's one of my favorite things about planting food - there's always some to share - everyone I know with a garden shares it with others who don't have one.
Good luck with the new phone. I'm with you read the instructions and see if you can understand them.
Okay, gotta go..sorry to be short today.
Guess my DD does read the comments! LOL! When I got home from work last night, there in our frig was a BEAUTIFUL Key Lime Pie – all fancied up with lime slices and lime zest – and it had MY name written all over it (not really – but I did share it with Debbie “Mom”)! Thank you, Renee. Makes me wonder what I can “hint” at next, hmmmmm???
ReplyDeleteIn response to Cindi’s comment about planting the edibles . . . go for it. Debbie and I had talked about doing this years ago, then when Hurricane Ike put close to 6 feet of salty floodwater over our property, we lost a big portion of our hardscaping - or is it landscaping, anyway, the trees and plants. Surprising enough, most of the stuff we thought were sure gonners has survived, and what I thought would have escaped unscathed, died off like a June Bug on a bug zapper! Well, I guess that’s the “Big Guy’s” way of telling us it’s time for us to start working on our edible yard. Outside of the conventional “fruit and nut” trees, many of the easily available vegetable plants and herbs have interesting flowers and foliage as well as harvestable fruits. (Debbie’s mom used to plant tomatoes in amongst her roses, BTW.) One of my personal favorites is the Rosemary bush. The strong oils emitted from the plant when you brush against it have a nutty piney type aroma which, whenever I smell them, conjures up images of a freshly-cut Christmas tree. Debbie’s Bottle-Brush trees give off a similar aroma (and are a haven for hummingbirds to boot). Plant the Rosemary along a walk or pathway so visitors can share this aromatic experience as well.
Something a lot of folks overlook is the Prickly Pear Cactus. While maybe not a good choice around young children, the tender young pads, once the spines are carefully removed, are referred to as Nopales or Nopalitos by our south of the border friends. Diced, saute’d and mixed in with scrambled eggs, pickled, or sliced and breaded up and fried like french fries – they make excellent table fare, and when the fruits come in (also edible) they are preceeded by a beautiful array of flowers. We also have wild onions in our back yard that emerge in early Spring. They’re not much bigger than a scallion or pearl onion, and they are fairly mild. Only drawback is you have to let the lawn grass go without cutting long enough to let the onions become evident.
Well. Guess it’s time for me to wrap this one up – I’m usually not this long-winded! Anyway, I hope I’ve given you some “food-for-thought” for when you go to pick out your plantings for your yard. Just remember to think outside the (planter) box!
I am BACK! Ok, so I really wasn't gone just reading off my phone and I could not add comments :-)I had my baby girl a month early after being in and out of the hospital for two months. She was a whole 5lbs and 7oz but she is very health and home with Mom so we are all good.
ReplyDeleteI have LOVED reading your post to keep my mind off all the bad stuff. I have missed you so much and will be post more offten!
Melissa from Houston