Ok tell me, have you ever have any super weird dreams that woke you up going WTF? LOL… that was me last night! It involved an old boyfriend (I’m talking like 20 years ago!), my DD and DS18 and HIS supposed 10yr old daughters, a baby (I can’t have any more kids), and me being a High School Teacher! Yea I know CRAZY! And I woke up really feeling like a pretzel, so I guess I really tossed and turned everywhere!
Well, after the kids were at school yesterday, I went outside and spent 3 hours planting seedlings into 4 inch pots in preparation for my plant sale. I am hoping to have about 100 plants for sale at $1 a piece. I think that would be reasonable. So if you are in the neighborhood, come on by and get yourself some healthy, pesticide-free, home grown plants! LOL! If all goes well, I am thinking about making this an annual event! Who knows, it might just turn into something! Now do you think I should try some flowers, or just stick with veggies?
Speaking of veggies, look at this! My first red and ready cherry tomato of the season!! Isn’t he the cutest thing!? I had the honor and privilege of bringing him inside off the vine today. I stuck him in the fridge and when the few others that are already turning red complete, they will become beautiful additions to a fresh tossed salad! YAY!
You know what else is cool? I have blooms and or the beginnings of food on almost all my plants! The peas you see pictured were started from seeds and they have their first blooms… so do the berries and a lot of the veggies! OMG don’t even get me started on tomatoes! This year I think will be a crazy crop of tomatoes! I have 5 very large Romas already and cherry tomatoes as far as the eye can see! My Husky Cherry plants are covered top to bottom literally with blooms and or tomatoes! Its so incredibly awesome!
Ok, yesterday I told you about the Fabric Challenge. I have 6 bolts and 2 crates/boxes to empty by sewing different things by the first day of school in August 2010. This year (the 2010-2011 school year) starts August 23rd, so that gives me approximately 139 days, or roughly 4 1/2 months to accomplish this goal. NOW… if I do as good as I did with the storage goal, we might be done way before then. The problem lies here… sometimes I am just not in the mood to sew. And if I try to sew during those times, I mess things up, get upset, and mess up even more. SO… I have to keep up the momentum and desire and use it wisely when it hits me! LOL… not to mention, I will be making tons of new things for my stockpile of crafts for sale. Cool huh? The more inventory I have, the better I think!
Now this month I am doing a lot of crafts with the Autism Fabric (in honor of Autism Awareness month), but I will be doing other fabrics as well. I don’t want to sabotage myself with just using one fabric, getting bored and stopping and losing my sewing mojo! That would not be cool. SO, yesterday, which was day 1 of the challenge, after I was done with my plants, I made can wraps in all kinds of fabrics. I made some breast cancer support and military ones from the cause box, and a bunch of others from the green crate. Don’t they look pretty cool? I set a goal yesterday morning that I wanted to do 20 of them and by golly that’s what I got done! I even made one in the scraps of fabric I had left from the watermelon print I love so much (remember the fabric I searched for and found for $9 a yard? Yea that’s the one!) LOL that one might just have to stay with me! LMAO!
I also managed to squeeze out a couple of other visors and another music note luggage tag before it was time to shut down both the sewing machine and the seamstress body. LOL! Watching Dancing With The Stars really makes it hard to concentrate sometimes LOL! Is anyone else following that silly show but me?
OK, so are ya feeling crafty? As I begin Day 2 of the Fabric Challenge, I ponder what to make. I might do some pillow cases, shopping bags, or purses… not sure yet. I will just sit at the table and see what strikes me to make. I might make some of these cute Fingertip Mitts for using on microwaved yummies! I found these on Savvy Seams once and they are really cool!

Fingertip Mitts
Downloadable Pattern (PDF)
less than 1/4 yard of outer fabric, lining, cotton batting and mylar/poly batting.
1 pkg. double fold bias tape
thread to match the bias tape
Step 1a: For piece 2, cut two of fabric, two of cotton batting, and two of lining. Assemble each half as shown.
Step 1b: Bind the straight edge with double-fold bias tape. Use a zip-zag stitch to attach the binding.
Step 2: For piece 1, cut one of fabric, one of lining, one of cotton batting and one of metallized poly batting ( or an additional cotton batting layer). Assemble in the order as shown. Zig-zag stitch the layer together. Be sure no to let your stitches drift too far in that they might be seen after you attach the binding. (You can always rip them out at the end if they do, but it's easier not to have to do that)
Step 3: Line up the top pieces with the bottom, matching the curves. Baste them together.

Step 4: Using an iron with lots of steam, shape bias tape around the whole mitt. This is very important if you want to have a nice smooth curve, instead of a bunchy, pulled sort of curve.
Step 5: Sew on the binding using a zig-zag stitch. Try to keep the ends even and tucked under, unlike my example picture.
Now are you already asking “What’s for supper?” Well guess what I am bringing back out today? Yep the old slow cooker! Me and my lovely crock pots are going to make some of the most Amazing Ribs I know how to make! As a matter of fact, you can’t call them anything other than…

Amazing Ribs
6 pounds pork baby back ribs
1 pinch black pepper
1 pinch salt
1 pinch crushed red pepper
4 cups barbecue sauce
2 (12 ounce) bottles porter beer, room temperature
Cut ribs into small portions of 2 or 3 bones each. Bring a large pot of water to a boil. Season water a pinch each of salt, black pepper, and crushed red pepper to the water. Boil ribs in seasoned water for 20 minutes. Drain, and let the ribs sit for about a half an hour.
Meanwhile, preheat an outdoor grill for high heat.
Lightly coat the ribs with barbecue sauce. Cook the ribs over high heat for a 5 to 10 minutes on each side to get a nice grilled look to them.
Place grilled ribs in a slow cooker. Pour remaining barbecue sauce and one bottle of beer over the ribs; this should cover at least half of the ribs. Cover, and cook on High for 3 hours. Check ribs every hour or so, and add more beer if needed to dilute sauce. Stir to get the ribs on top into the sauce. The ribs are done when the meat is falling off the bone. The ribs were cooked completely in the first process, the rest is about flavor and texture.
Now as for me, I am off to begin the rat race of the FC- Day 2. Curious to see what I crank out today LOL! I would love to hear about some of your projects you might be working on. Leave those comments as I love hearing from you… Okie dokie… see you all tomorrow… this is the Frugal Mom signing off… HUGS!
All your crafting is giving me the urge to be crafty too. I just might pick up my crochet hook and finish up a couple of my pending projects that have been neglected for a while, and maybe start making a few of my crocheted critters everyone thinks are cute! Just love being out in the gardening mode that its kind of hard to do anything else. Yesterday I found myself "cooing" over all my little baby vegetables that are popping up in the garden planters and barrels. Its great! I love Spring!
ReplyDeleteRibs sound GOOD! My old grill has finally bit the dust but I can still make some oven ribs. Just wont have that smokey goodness I love.
I'm sad. Still no comments on "Jamie Olivers Food Revolution". I am enthralled with this show. Just saw a commercial about this Fridays show and lets say it in three words, "Double Wide Coffins" were on the previews. I am NOT missing this show!
Ok. Got to go to the Animal Rescue Site to do my daily clicks and maybe even sign an e-petition or two. Everyone have a glorious day!
Your plants look great ,sure put some flowers in there to sell ,I have to admit most of my flowers came from garage sales .
ReplyDeleteThose ribs look soooo good ,we don't drink so what could I use instead of the beer .Don't even know anyone who drinks to buy one from them . I know I need a life LOL.
Better go file that mitt pattern I also want a big one like that for taking things out to the oven ,now theres a idea for you ,they would make great Christmas gifts .
hi i am very late today.
ReplyDeleteTo Renee Mom : i dont know when that Jamie show is on here.. is it the Food Network?
i would sell flowers too Renee.... the more , the merrier
I made homemade Chicken/potato soup .. got whole chicken for 88 cents a lb today and thought of you :) decided to make soup right away :)
mowed for the second time today but still to cold at night to sow any seeds.... in the 30's tonight.. but warm during the day.
keep letting us know what you sew... keeps me going too.
I am making plastic canvas crosses right now...
soon to make comfort dolls... for the battered womens shelter.
time for bed.,
OHio loves the frugal mom TOO!!!!!!!!!!