OK I want to ask you guys and gals… would you be interested in me putting my items for sale here on the blog (on the sidebar)? I figured each month I would feature a different item with a link to pay through paypal. I can put little pictures with them so you can see the patterns of the fabric too. But it will be a lot of work, so I need some feedback from everyone before I do this… I figured this month I would do the large reusable shopping bags I make. So, leave a comment and let me know…
Now, yesterday I sewed… sewed my little fingers off. But sadly it only resulted in 5 reusable shopping bags. I think they are adorable, but I was sad I didn’t get more done. I also slow cooked a whole chicken and some veggies and all the other normal stuff too! I got side tracked a few times LOL… maybe that is part of the reason for my slow production LOL! Regardless I am down 1 bolt already! YAY! This was supposed to be my “attack” face but it looks more like I have to potty! LMAO!
Here are the bags I got done. There is a blue Celestial Moon and Sun one, a Pink Breast Cancer Ribbon one, a Snowman one, a fruity one, and a sudoku one. Aren’t they neat looking? Someone once told me that I had the cutest fabrics and that is why my stuff was so popular, and ya know, I am starting to agree LOL!
OK, I found another article online about old wives tales and I thought it was interesting and I want to share with you.
8 Old Wives Tales: Which Should You Believe?
By Reader’s Digest
Just like your mom didn't need a thermometer to know if you had a fever, we bet your grandmother or other homegrown expert didn’t let the lack of a medical degree stop her from issuing health directives. But which of them are worth following?
1. Grandma's wisdom: Ginger is good for upset stomachs.
Science says: Yes. Good evidence shows ginger reduces nausea.
2. Grandma's wisdom: An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
Science says: Granny's overstating this fruit's potency. Still, the peel is a good source of quercetin, an important antioxidant that, studies suggest, helps lower blood pressure, fight asthma and allergies, and prevent heart attacks.
3. Grandma's wisdom: Honey speeds healing.
Science says: Yes. Mild to moderate burns (but not other types of wounds) heal faster if you spread honey on them -- maybe because it creates a moist, antibacterial environment that promotes tissue growth.
4. Grandma's wisdom: Put butter on a burn.
Science says: No. There's no evidence of a benefit from butter.
5. Grandma's wisdom: Sleeping in air-conditioning can give you a chill.
Science says: She may be onto something. Air conditioners dry out the protective layer of mucus along nasal passages, which likely allows viruses to infect you more easily. Viruses reproduce faster inside a cold nose too.
6. Grandma's wisdom: If you go out with wet hair, you'll catch a cold.
Science says: Maybe. Some research indicates (but doesn't prove) that a wet head helps cold viruses take hold, by tightening blood vessels in the nose and making it harder for white blood cells to reach the viruses and fight them off.
7. Grandma's wisdom: Swimming after eating can lead to cramps and drowning.
Science says: Not exactly, but not completely wrong either. After you eat, blood gets shunted to your digestive tract and away from exercising muscles. That can lead to a buildup of lactic acid in your muscles, so swimming a few laps too soon after lunch could cause a sudden (though not fatal) cramp.
8. Grandma's wisdom: Chocolate gives you pimples.
Science says: Not quite. Chocolate bars might trigger an acne flare-up, but if so, the culprit is probably the sugar, milk, and gooey fillings, not the cocoa.
Isn’t that pretty interesting? I want to know who gets paid to sit around and try out these things… like research them… and where do I sign up!? LMAO! You gotta wonder how some of these people get those simple jobs they have like Ice Cream flavor tester, toy tester, etc. Man wouldn’t that be fun to do! It just makes you think. It also makes me wonder why people waste time and money on testing “folklore” and if anyone really cares. Shouldn’t they put those efforts into valuable things like, oh I dunno, finding cures for things that are KILLING people like cancer, diabetes, etc? Oh well, I’mma shut up now LOL!
Ok, so last night, since there was nothing really on TV, the gang decided they wanted to watch the recorded Extreme Makeover: Home Edition that I haven’t had the guts to watch yet. It was about the Beach Family in Kemah, TX. They have 13 kids… 4 biological and 9 adopted, many with special needs. They have fostered 85 kids over the 20+ years they have been married and they lost their house to IKE. As the mother of a special needs child, it really got to me and I was crying and/or teary eyed all night… for the whole 2 HOURS! Anyway, I also knew that the little 2 year old, Mercy who was a very special needs child (she had a tracheotomy, etc.) passed away 2 weeks after this show was taped. I think that’s why I couldn’t watch it.
Speaking of TV, tonight is the Jamie Oliver show “Food Revolution”! It’s the episode with the radio DJ and the Double Wide Coffins, so be sure to check your local listings on ABC for that! Hopefully I will get a chance to sit and watch it tonight and not have to wait!
Well, I told you that I was going on a secret agent mission, so I won’t really be crafting unless I do some after I get home today. But I know that some of my SAHM’s might need something to do, Soooo LOL… here’s another craft idea that I thought you might enjoy!

Craft Idea of the Day: Embellish an Ordinary Bowl
Spruce up your plain bowls with the help of paper.
What You'll Need
White spray primer
Acrylic paint in desired color
Papers in several colors
Paper punch
Decoupage medium
Glass or plastic liner (optional)
Make It
In a well-ventilated work area, spray paint bowls with primer. Let dry.
Paint the bowl in the desired color. Let dry.
Cut paper strips and squares. Punch circles with paper punch.
Paint decoupage medium onto the bowl and arrange the paper shapes on the bowl.
Paint two more coats of decoupage over the bowl.
Place a glass or plastic liner in the bowl if using it for food.
Okie dokie, now I am ready to tell you about dinner. It never fails that when I make this, the chicken literally falls apart when I try removing it from the slow cooker! Not only that, but it ALWAYS leaves the gang wanting more! Its delectably simple and oh so good! Throw it in before work and when you come home, your house smells divine and dinner is ready!

Baked Slow Cooker Chicken
1 (2 to 3 pound) whole chicken
salt and pepper to taste
1 teaspoon paprika or Emeril’s Essence
1 cup chicken broth
1 large potato, peeled and diced
2 cloves minced garlic
1 cup baby carrots
1 cup onion, diced
Rinse the chicken, inside and out, under cold running water. Pat dry with paper towels. Season the chicken with the salt, pepper and paprika, and place in the slow cooker on top of the vegetables.
Set the slow cooker to High for 2 hour, then turn down to Low for about 2 to 3 hours, or until the chicken is no longer pink and the juices run clear. (Alternative is low for about 6 hours).
Alrighty folks, its that time again. Time where I tell you that I’m gonna leave… aww don’t cry. I’ll be back tomorrow LOL!. Be safe in your travels and projects and wherever life takes you today! HUGS!
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